Quality Assurance
What are the health effects due to excess radiation?
Excess radiation leads to both short term as well as long term health if proper safety aspects are not taken into consideration.
Short term effects : Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Fever, Headache etc.
Long term effects : Cancer.
What does one mean by the word ‘Safety Precautions’?
Safety Precautions namely related to Personnel safety and site safety.
Personal Safety : 1) Use of TLD badge for Personnel Mon
2) Use of lead aprons during testing.
Equipment/Site Safety: 1) Proper site layout.
2) Proper equipment installation and Q.A.
Is it necessary to register all radiation equipments?
Yes, all radiation equipments must be registered according to the Radiation
Protection Act 2004 and AERB Regulations.
Protection Act 2004 and AERB Regulations.
What does compliance verification include?
Ensures that the design, construction, and function of the facility and equipment comply with the Radiation Protection Act and Regulation. (Quality Assurance + Physical Inspection). The parameters like kVp, Dose, Dose Rate, Time, HVL, Equipment Leakage, Surrounding area Scatter, Linearity, Focal spot, central beam alignment etc, are measured.
Ensures that worker and public radiation exposures are within the limits specified in the Radiation Protection Act and Regulation. (TLD badges + Area Surveillance )
When is Quality Assurance testing is to be done?
For how long is the AERB Registration valid?
Registration is valid for 5 years and it has to be renewed every 5 years.
How is the report prepared?
All the data acquired by the QA machine is processed and tested for tolerance and
compliance & report is prepared.
compliance & report is prepared.
Where is it submitted?
The report has to be submitted to the AERB along with AERB forms and other
supporting documents.
supporting documents.
If criteria are not met then what has to be done
If the criteria is not met, ie. if the equipment is non compliant, the customer needs to call the service engineer of the concerned company and get it rectified and a retest of the Q.A. parameter needs to be done for confirmation to the proper equipment functioning.